
                                                                                      Warning:spoiler alert

Ivypool is a silver she-cat who was recruited in the dark forest. She at first thought that they were just training so she could become a better warrior. She was an apprentice back then. But she soon figured that Tigerstar lied to her because she eavesdropped on him and some cat else practicing. She soon offered to spy for Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and her sister Dovewing. Then later she earned her warrior name Ivypool.

Blossemfall was soon a new apprentice in the dark forest soon later after Ivypool earned her warrior name. She was made to fight other D.F. trainers. Ivypool saved her tail by stepping in and helping. Blossemfall fought with sheathed claws, and soft blows. she didn't learn the special moves they train in the dark forest, so she almost got squashed.

Later, in Vision Of Shadows, The Last Hope, in the battle, Ivypool once got cornered by Hawkfrost and other dark forest followers because she and Tigerheart revealed to them she was spying. A black she-cat named Hollyleaf died protecting Ivypool.

                                                    To Be Continued...


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