Korea part 1

Did you know I was born in Korea? Well, it's true. I am. I'll tell you about Korea, if you would like to hear it. So the first thing is that a popular sport is Taekwondo. I take those classes. Hey, you know what? I'm not a boy. There are a lot of girls in class. Of course there are a lot of boys, too, you know.  One more thing though. Taekwondo is karate, but karate is Japanese, and Taekwondo is
Korean. In Korea, there is the Han River, and you could ride a boat on the water. Oh, here's the thing,
I don't really know much about the Han River, so, next! There's Hanbok, a Korean traditional dress.
Its really beautiful... I think that's all. Then there's Hangeul. It's Korean written language developed
by King Sejong. There's a beautiful flower called: The Rose Of Sharon. It's the Korean national
flower. Then, kimchi. It's hot and SPICY. For some reason, Koreans LOVE kimchi. But don't worry.
There's also un-spicy ons to. They're white. I like the white ones, just a little spicy. Last, and this is
my favorite...the Korean national flag! It's called Taegeukgi. So you know what? My entire
family is Korean. But some of them is Korean, and American. Some live in America. Others in Korea. That's my story of Korea.


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